There are over five thousand trading experts with 5,000 different approaches and coaching program.
All things equal, investing in the least expensive is your first instinct.
Especially since everyone claims their program does what you need it to …
Big, fast gains with little or no losses.
In other words, why pay a higher price when the cheaper coaching program will do just fine?
But here’s the thing: cheaper isn’t always better when it comes to advancing your learning curve as a trader or investor.
Anyone can take a few classes and become a proficient internet marketer.
Still, if they’re not trading or investing with the product or service they’re offering you …
They’re just a salesperson!
And a LOT of salespeople wander around the internet to rip off unsuspecting folks.
You’re free to learn from — or work with — whoever you deem worthy of your money.
But at least take the time to get to know the person you will work with.
Read their content, watch their videos, and ask yourself these three questions…
- Do your values align with theirs?
- Do they actually trade or invest in the method they share with you?
- Will they answer your emergency email at 9 p.m. ET on Monday?
Before involving yourself with a coaching program, you should be sure of these things.
Because your success depends on how committed they are to you.
Not how committed they are to selling you something.
There’s a HUGE difference!
And whatever you decide, please ensure you’re with someone who’ll go the extra mile to help you protect and grow your money in this increasingly challenging market.
That’s been my motto in my thirteen years of helping traders from different walks of life.
If you’re still undecided and want to check out what I have for new members of my trading family, you can click here to check what I’m talking about.