Glossy black barrel of oil on a large pile of American dollars, the concept of high volatility of Brent, wti, urals grades in the commodity markets 3D rendering

Black Gold vs. Green Paper

Oil and currencies are inherently related for all sorts of reasons, from balance of trade (BOT) to market psychology just to name a few. When something happens to oil, currencies move either with or opposite of it — and vice-versa. As you know, the most powerful currency on earth is the US dollar. It’s the…

Man Looking at the Horizon

What’s Your Mission?

Go poke around any company’s website, and you’ll find a mission statement. It lays out who the organization is and why it exists in the first place. It helps them focus their efforts and show others what they’re aiming for. For example, Google says its mission is “to organize the world’s information and make it…